Taylor and Michael are back on the blog! These two got married in October of 2018 and joined me for their one-year anniversary session back in the Fall.
They are always adventuring to cool places such as Hawaii, Texas, Tennessee, Wisconsin…you name it, they’re there! Needless to say, I had so much fun hanging out with them on the lovely Fall day and hearing about their Hawaiian honeymoon.
With all of my sessions, I love including a Q+A from the couple, check out these sweet answers from the two.
What has been the best part of marriage?
I think the best part of marriage is the constant love and support that we give each other. We both strive to help the other achieve each others dreams.
What was your favorite thing you did together since being married?
My favorite thing that we have done together since we got married is probably our honeymoon in Hawaii. We travel a lot as it is but there is just something so amazing about Hawaii. I hope we get to go back someday.
What is your next adventure together? Any fun travels, plans, etc.
I think our next big adventure is to move out of state for both of our careers. We aren’t sure where exactly we want to go yet but we know we want to take on that next big step.
View Taylor + Michael’s Lighted Gardens Wedding
Want your own Lakeside Gardens Anniversary Session?
This location is absolutely stunning! The Q& A is a wonderful idea. I love that it gives the couple an opportunity to speak for themselves. Lovely work!
These are beautiful! I love her ring too. It’s so unique! I need to visit Indiana; I’ve never been, but it looks gorgeous!
I love these colors, absolutely gorgeous!
Ashley, thank you so much for the love!
Catherine, yessss it was so fun to photograph. If you ever have a trip planned, let me know and I can share all the fun spots!
Theresa, thank you! I love having Q+A’s for my couples. It not only helps tell their story in their way but also adds some fun to the post! Whoot!
These are so beautiful! Great job chasing that light 🙂 They seem like such a fun couple (and her ring is so unique and pretty 🙂 )
Jordyn, that means the world to me! thank you!
These are great! I love the location.
Beautiful session! Love all that glowy light.
Lydia, you’re too kind – thank you!! I loooove Lakeside, it’s so beautiful year round.
Alisha, thanks girl!! Love chasing the light!