Happy November everyone!! Can you believe we are almost through the year 2018? There has been so much that I cannot wait to share on the year in review blog post in December, so ready for that one! BUT I am trying to make my blog a little more personal so you can get to know me. I’ve decided to start sharing awesome events that has happened once every few months. Monthly if my life gets more interesting, haha! So let’s begin!
If you didn’t know, I am still currently in college studying photography and graphic design. I’m wrapping up my last few semesters and boy it is difficult! Managing a business, keeping up with school and personal projects while also working part-time…did I forget I’m planning my own wedding!? WHEW!
Aside from college, I take out my stress by cuddling up to Nala, an adorable German Shepherd owned by my fiance’s parents. I also TRY to cuddle up with my feisty cat Zelda. She’s more focused on the birds outside the window most of the time though…booooo!
October is the beginning of the beautiful Fall season, a photographer’s dream! Full of color and many family sessions! I had to take photos at Country Heritage Winery and it was my first time being there. Let me tell ya, this place is so lovely!
An upside to Fall is the crisp air perfect for making smores on the fire! Matt and I snuggled up and made our delicious creations of chocolate, marshmallow and graham crackers.
October is the perfect time to view the beautiful trees changing colors. I decided I wanted to check out Lindenwood Nature Preserve and boy was I happy I did! We were maybe a week too late for perfect viewing but the trees were still colorful. I’m also taking a video class and our final is to cover a spot in Fort Wayne. I decided to do my final on going to the preserve during Fall. Good choice!
My October fun facts:
- I booked catering for our wedding! We decided to go with Mad Anthony and I am very excited!
- Matt and I got our engagement photos done by the lovely Taylor Ford, she’s honestly my favorite!!! The photos are gorgeous, by the way!
- Had a fully booked month, whoot whoot!
- I started a new video game, the Shadow of the Tomb Raider ⏤ it’s intense.
- Met with a lot of brides for 2019 weddings and I’m pumped for next year!
- We are making our wedding cake so we finally got around to buying the materials for that fun project.
That’s all for this month! I hope all of you had a fun one as well!
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